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Air Financial Partners, Inc

Tax Office Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance

Did you know that over 90% of satisfied customers will return to the same tax office the following year? Offering the best service possible is critical to growing your business’s bottom line.

Air Financial Partners (AirFP) offers outstanding customer support and service, so you can focus on providing the best customer service to your clients. Our customer service begins well before tax season with office set-up assistance. Our tax professionals will work with you to make sure your office is configured to run smoothly during tax season. Our goal is to help create a professional environment that customers will return to year after year.

Customer support during tax season can make (or break) your tax business. Air Financial Partners (AirFP) offers reliable and responsive customer and technical support to all of our partners – absolutely free of charge. We have over 20 years of experience in the tax software industry and our employees have trained the IRS on tax preparation software. Plus, we are available 24/7 during the peak weeks of tax season.

What makes Air Financial Partners (AirFP) service and support different?

• 20+ years experience in the tax software industry & tax service bureau industry.

• Unlimited access to our live customer support staff, free of charge.

• 24/7 customer and technical support during the peak weeks of tax season.

• We prepare taxes. Under the InterviewPlus model, we can reduce the amount of support required by preparing returns for your customers.

• Our staff has trained the IRS on tax software and is familiar with tax law.

Even with pre-season training, employee turnover and unforeseen customer service issues may create a need for additional support during tax season. That is why we offer reliable and responsive customer and technical support throughout tax season – absolutely free of charge. During peak times, our support staff is available 24/7. Should you need assistance during tax season, our team will promptly respond with helpful information that will get your employees back to preparing tax returns. We believe customer service and support is the key to growing and retaining your tax business.

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Offer Bank Products such as Refund Loans, Checks & Debit Card Dispersements

We partner with tax industry banks that offer settlement products allowing you to secure your fees.

Santa Barbara Bank And Trust Logo

SBTPG | GreenDot | PreFund

TPG offers quality financial products to the e-file industry that satisfy consumers’ needs, are priced fairly and provide true value. TPG is investing in relationships by providing tax pros with a program to help retain and grow business for years to come.

Republic Bank And Trust Logo

Republic Bank - Tax Refund Solutions

Republic Bank will provide advance payment of 50% of your tax preparation fees on all acknowledged returns with a Refund Transfer at the beginning of filing season to help you make ends meet until IRS funding begins.

Refund Advantage Logo

Refund Advantage | Paper Return Fee Collect

Refund Advantage Tax Refund Services was built with you- the independent ERO, in mind. Our goal is to help you remain competitive by giving you the tools, options and solutions you need to diversify your business and compete with the national chains.