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Air Financial Partners, Inc

About AirFP

About AirFP

AirFP Tax Service Bureau

Air Financial Partners (AirFP) is a tax service bureau that helps its clients offer tax preparation to their customers. We specialize in working with both dedicated tax preparers and other businesses that believe tax preparation would complement their existing products and services. Check cashiers, insurance agents, car dealerships and retail stores are just a few examples of the businesses with which we partner.

Our Goals

Our goal is to make offering tax preparation easy and profitable. We have established relationships with tax software providers and partner with industry banks. We offer high-quality software at an affordable price and a variety of bank products.

Our Experience

With over 10 years of combined experience, Air Financial Partners (AirFP) is comprised of leaders who know the tax industry. Our team has extensive and varied experience in the tax and financial services industries. From developing tax businesses to preparing taxes to training the users- our experience sets us apart from the competition. When it comes to offering tax preparation to your customers, you can rely on the Air Financial Partners (AirFP) to make the process simple and profitable.

The AirFP Mission

The mission of Air Financial Partners is to provide results-oriented technology, marketing, and support designed to meet our client’s objectives by providing strong solutions and concepts and excelling at customer service. We seek to become a partner with our clients. We desire to measure success for our clients through accuracy, increased sales, and client. We are committed to maintaining a rewarding environment in which we can accomplish our mission.

The AirFP Philosophy

We believe the tax profession does not have to be boring. It can be just as hip as shooting basketball or being in a rock band – if you have the right team. We are that team and we love what we do.

The AirFP Promise

Our Promise to you is that we will offer you technology and support that help catapult your tax business to new heights!

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Offer Bank Products such as Refund Loans, Checks & Debit Card Dispersements

We partner with tax industry banks that offer settlement products allowing you to secure your fees.

Santa Barbara Bank And Trust Logo

SBTPG | GreenDot | PreFund

TPG offers quality financial products to the e-file industry that satisfy consumers’ needs, are priced fairly and provide true value. TPG is investing in relationships by providing tax pros with a program to help retain and grow business for years to come.

Republic Bank And Trust Logo

Republic Bank - Tax Refund Solutions

Republic Bank will provide advance payment of 50% of your tax preparation fees on all acknowledged returns with a Refund Transfer at the beginning of filing season to help you make ends meet until IRS funding begins.

Refund Advantage Logo

Refund Advantage | Paper Return Fee Collect

Refund Advantage Tax Refund Services was built with you- the independent ERO, in mind. Our goal is to help you remain competitive by giving you the tools, options and solutions you need to diversify your business and compete with the national chains.